FAMU Music News

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Marching 100

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Tribute Piece to Dr. Drew

Dr. Drew was appointed as the first director of the "Blood Bank" by the American Red Cross. This role involved organizing blood drives and providing stored plasma to support the Allied Forces during crucial times. He was never given his full recognition due to him being African-American.

FAMU Professor and renowned composer Dr. Longineu Parsons Jr. creates stunning compostion to honor the late Dr. Charles Drew, the African-American doctor, along with vocalist Linda Harkey and FAMU Prof. Brian Hall. 

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FAMU’s Department of Music offers an impressive series of programs for its undergrad students, including access to a diverse university setting and specialized music training.

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In commemoration of the 1956 Tallahassee bus boycott, the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra and Florida A&M University Concert Choir collaborated this past weekend to deliver “Powerful Voices: Lift Every Voice,” a two-night concert event.