About Us, Faculty & Staff

"Let our collective action tell the story of our Department’s determination and commitment to our students ... and affirm the right of our Department to exist and to develop students to their fullest potential" - (O. Miller, 2010).

"Let our collective action tell the story of our Department’s determination and commitment to our students ... and affirm the right of our Department to exist and to develop students to their fullest potential" - (O. Miller, 2010).

Mission Statement

The Department of Psychology exposes students to the science of behavior, provides a foundation for the pursuit of advanced degrees in the field and in related disciplines, and offers students multicultural perspectives for understanding human nature and functioning at undergraduate and graduate levels.

A unique multicultural programmatic framework distinguishes our programs. The emphasis of this thrust is primarily, although not exclusively, on the reconceptualization and application of psychology to the experiences of people of African descent.


The psychology department’s programs grew out of the University’s recognition of the need for more psychologically trained Black para-professionals, professionals, and scientists to address the critical shortage in the areas of human services education and research.

Additionally, in the wake of the 1960s, there was a growing sensitivity in American society regarding the importance of culture in mental health and human behavior, especially where racial and cultural minorities were concerned. Given that FAMU has a predominantly African-American student body, increased awareness of the significance of culture led to the incorporation of an emphasis on African-American cultural and minority issues into the curriculum and overall programmatic thrust of the Department.

Departmental Goals: The Department of Psychology strives to...

  • 1.) Define African psychological experiences from an African-centered perspective.
  • 2.) In student training, provide experiences to increase self-knowledge and self-acceptance through an examination of our collective past, present and future.
  • 3.) Prepare graduates of whom a large majority pursue and complete Ph.D. degrees.
  • 4.) Prepare graduates of whom a large majority demonstrate self-acceptance which extends to the acceptance of others and the uplifting of our community.

Our Esteemed Faculty

Faculty & Staff


Dr. Yolanda Bogan
Yolanda K.H. Bogan, Ph.D.,
Directer of College Research and Assessment, Internship Coordinator
(Office Hours)

RANK: Professor

AREA: Clinical Psychology EDUCATION:

Dr. Bogan received her bachelor’s degree from Emory University. She holds both a master’s and doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Georgia and completed her internship at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. She received a certificate in mixed methods research from the University of Michigan.


Dr. Yolanda K.H. Bogan is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor Supervisor in the State of Florida. She has over thirty years of experience working in outpatient, inpatient, faith-based, and higher education counseling settings. She is Director Emeritus of the FAMU Office of Counseling Services.


Dr. Bogan has been the PI or Co-PI for over $5,000,000 in external funds for Florida A&M University from federal agencies including the National Science Foundation, the Office of Women’s Health, and the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration. She is currently the co-principal investigator of a mixed-methods research project focused on Rural Black Women Veterans funded by the Veterans Administration Office of Rural Health. For thirty years, she has studied, supervised and provided therapy services related to women’s issues including depression, sexual assault, substance abuse and women’s health. She is a black feminist researcher and the former director of the FAMU Women’s Center and FAMU Project Safe. She is a member of the Association of Black Psychologists, the American Psychological Association (Divisions 5 and 45) and an Emeritus member of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors.


  • Bogan, Y.K.H., Wells-Wilbon, R. & Porter, R. et al. (2022). #IAmMeToo: Considering African-Centered Strategies for Sexual Assault Survivors. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon & Anthony Estreet (Eds). Trauma and Mental Health Social Work with Urban Populations: African Centered Clinical Interventions. Routledge.
  • Bogan, Y. & Ciceron, M. (2022). Improving Cultural Competence with African American Clients, Florida Psychologist, Summer, 24-25.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H. (2022). The examination of sexual assault in America for African women and girls in colonial America: history, myths and movements that minimize sexual assault. Huberta Jackson-Lowman (Ed.) Afrikan American Women: Living at the Crossroads of Race, Gender, Class and Culture: Second Edition. Cognella.
  • Bogan, Y. (2021). Best practices in culturally competent care. National Alliance of Mental Illness The Advocate, 19(2), 14-15.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H. (2019). Review of Screening, Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 16(6), 691-692. DOI:10.1080/26408066.2019.1676357
  • Hinton, T., Bogan, Y., & Li, H. (2018). Spending behaviors, cultural identity, and mindfulness of African American college students: Implications for financial stress and depression. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 53(3), 36-41. https://societyforpsychotherapy.org/spending-cultural-depression/
  • Golden, A., Bogan, Y.K.H., Brown, L., Onwukwe, O.W.H. & Stewart, S. (2017). Faculty Mentoring: Applying Social Work/Ecological Theory to Practice at HBCUs. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 27(5), 487-497. https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2017.1279097


  • Bogan, Y.K.H., Hale-Gallardo, J. & Dailey, N.(2023). Enlisting Cultural Humility to Enhance Health Equity Research on Diverse Teams. American Psychological Association (Division of Military Psychology).
  • Bogan, Y.K.H. (2023). Culturally Competent Treatment for First Episode Psychosis. University of Washington FEP ECHO Clinic.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H. & Brooks, R. (2022). Engagement of Connected Healers and Healing using African-centered approaches for Sexual Assault Trauma. Association of Black Psychology Conference.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H. (2021). The Impact of HBCUs on the Learning Environment of African American Midshipmen. American Psychological Association Annual Conference (Division of Military Psychology).
  • Bogan, Y. K.H. (2021). The Value of Prevention in the Successful Practice. National Alliance of Mental Illness Annual Conference 2021.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H., & Li, H. (March, 2021). Acting and Thinking Differently: Culturally Competent Treatment for Psychosis: Part 2. New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.
  • Bogan, Y.K. H. (February, 2021). Culturally competent treatment for African Americans experiencing psychosis. National Association of African American Studies.
  • Bogan, Y.K. H. (February, 2021). Key initial findings of the impact of HBCUs on the learning environment of African American midshipmen. National Association of African American Studies Annual Conference.
  • Bogan, Y.K.H., & Li, H. (December, 2020). Acting and Thinking Differently: Culturally Competent Treatment for Psychosis. New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.

Interesting Facts:

Dr. Bogan is a fifth generation Floridian who married her college sweetheart. She is a proud mother of three sons. She loves spending time with her family, reading, traveling, chocolate and spending time with her two labradoodles, Darcie and Willow. 

Nkechinyelum A. Chioneso, Ph.D.

RANK: Assistant Professor

AREA: Community Psychology
Dr Jermaine Robertson
Jermaine Robertson, Ph.D.,
Department Chair
(Office Hours)

RANK:            Associate Professor

AREA:            Clinical Psychology

Dr. Robertson is also a proud graduate of the Community Psychology program (1997) at Florida A&M University. After completing his master's degree, he went on to study at Howard University where he received his PhD in Clinical (Child) Psychology in 2003. Upon completing his doctoral studies, Dr. Robertson worked as a research fellow in the Psychiatry Department at Howard University Hospital before joining the faculty at his ala mater in the Psychology department at Florida A&M University (2004) where he is currently an associate professor, former director of the Community Psychology Program (10 years), and current Chair of the Department.

Dr. Robertson is also a licensed psychologist in the state of Florida, and the current Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi), North Florida chapter president, ABPsi rituals committee co-chair, and ABPsi Southern Regional Representative. Dr Robertson has guided and advised many undergraduate and graduate students in psychology, many of whom are currently in doctorate programs in psychology or who have gone on to receive their doctorate degrees and or are doing intervention, prevention, and healing work in the African Black community.

His research focus is on racial, social, and cultural factors (i.e., racial identity, racial socialization, and cultural misorientation) impacting the development of various psychological and behavioral disorders in African descent populations. Relatedly, Brother Jermaine's research has focused on factors that prevent African Black people from seeking professional psychological help. 


Dr. Amber Golden
Dr. Amber Golden, Ph.D.

RANK:          Visiting Professor

AREA:           Community Psychology, Family Relations, Program Evaluation

After graduating from Howard University’s Department of Psychology (‘94), Dr. Golden went on to earn a Master’s in Community Psychology from Florida A&M University (‘97). She sought to further her training to pursue her deep-seated interest in improving mental health and well-being in the African American community with the incorporation of the arts, particularly dances of the African Diaspora. Dr. Golden returned to school and earned a Doctorate (‘06) from Florida State University in Family Relations with emphases in Marriage and Family Therapy, Measurement and Statistics, and Program Evaluation. Most recently, Dr. Golden completed the terminal degree in Choreography (MFA, 2019) from Jacksonville University. The programmatic focus was on the use of the emerging research method Practice As Research (PAR).

Dr. Golden began her career as a home-based therapist and transitioned into Program Evaluation for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health Offices. Dr. Golden taught in Florida A&M University’s Department of Psychology for eight years. She has also worked in corporate Program Evaluation settings where she consulted with nonprofits and government entities to improve policy to address health disparities and increase health equity for communities of color.

Dr. Golden is currently conducting research for the Congressional Black Caucus and the Association of Black Psychologists to assess the needs and impact of COVID-19 on the Black community. She is also a certified facilitator of Emotional Emancipation Circles™ (EEC). EECs are designed to assist people of African descent in beginning and deepening the healing process from the deleterious, intergeneration effects of systemic racism.

Dr. Golden is currently a Visiting Professor for the 2020-2021 academic term. She is working with various departmental committees to support the departmental assessment plan and the development of online programs. During her previous terms, she has served on master’s thesis committees and mentored graduate and undergraduate students.

Dr. Golden is deeply interested in expanding access to mental health and wellness information in communities of color. Her current research is on a needs & strengths assessment on the impact of COVID-19 in the Black community. Past research includes spirituality as a moderator of stress and the role of socio-cultural relationships on identity exploration. She is interested in the use of the arts as both an access point for increased self-understanding, but also a method of community engagement in discussing and identifying community level solutions to address various mental health and wellness issues that impact our lives and families.


Dr. Leona Johnson
Leona Melissa Johnson, Ph.D.,
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
(Office Hours)

RANK:             Assistant Professor

AREA:            Educational Psychology (with a sub-specialty in Industrial/Organizational Psychology) 

After completing her undergraduate degree at Jackson State University and MBA from Strayer University, Dr. Johnson earned a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Howard University. Dr. Johnson also completed a dual doctoral internship as a researcher at the Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Inc., and the Educational Research Service (ERS) where she co-authored  a book on “What We Know About: Culture and Learning.”    

Dr. Johnson has extensive experience working with corporate companies such as IBM, Loral, and Lockheed Martin in various positions including Program Management and Small Business Mentorship. She began her teaching career as an adjunct professor at Howard University. Since then, Dr. Johnson has taught in various higher education settings. She has over 15 years of experience teaching in higher education having worked as a Psychology Professor, Department Chair, Assistant Dean, and Doctoral Dissertation Chair. Dr. Johnson is very passionate about teaching and learning. She is student-centered and genuinely focused on giving back to her students and the community.
Dr. Johnson is seeking serious and highly motivated graduate thesis students and active research assistants.

Dr. Johnson joined the Department of Psychology at FAMU in Fall 2019. She is excited about working with the students, faculty, community stakeholders and actively serving the Department of Psychology. 

Dr. Johnson’s research interests are synergistic with her teaching pedagogy. She is actively involved in research on classroom dynamics and the classroom learning environment, primarily from the student’s voice. Her research interests include factors which influence the classroom learning environment and classroom dynamics such as:  culture and learning, online and face-to-face learning, sleep deprivation and learning, stress and learning, group dynamics, student learning preferences, innovative teaching strategies, teacher characteristics, and social media and learning.  

  • Johnson, L.M. (2019). Classroom Dynamics: The Classroom as Workplace. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  • Johnson, L. M. (2018). Perceptions of the Characteristics of Effective Teachers in Higher Education: The Students’ Voice. In N. Gallavan and L. Putnam (Eds.), ATE Yearbook XXVI Building upon Inspirations and Aspirations with Hope, Courage, and Strength (pp.7-23). Lanham, MD, Roman & Littlefield Publishers.            
  • Johnson, L. M. (2017) Teaching the Millennial Student. Workshop presented at Hampton University, Hampton University Freshman Studies Program.  
  • Johnson, L. M. (2017). Students’ Perceptions of the Behavioral Characteristics of Teacher Caring. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.  
  • Singleton, G., Li, H., Johnson, L., & Singleton, N. (2022). COVID-19 Related anxiety: How do coping and optimism relate to substance use in African American young adults? Journal of Community Psychology. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22863

  • Johnson, L. M. (2022). COVID-19: Classroom Attendance and Academic Achievement. EDULEARN22 Proceedings. 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022

  • Johnson, L. M. (2022). Face-to-Face Teaching in a Pandemic World: What Successful Educators Know. Spring 2022 National Social Science Association (NSSA) Conference Proceedings.

  • Clinkscales, C., Johnson, L., Huang, H., & Li, H. (2022). The Relationship between Parentification, Psychological Health, Stress, and Academic Motivation among African American Young Adults. Proceedings of the Summer 2022 Online Conference of the International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research.

  • Johnson, L., Tani, N., & Robertson, J. (2021). A comparison of HBCU Students’ academic performance and perceptions of course modalities. Face-to-Face vs. hybrid vs. online. National Social Science Technology Journal, 9(1)

Dr. Johnson’s hobbies are reading, shopping, and traveling (especially abroad).  
Dr. Huijun Li
Huijun Li, Ph.D.,
Assistant Director of Center for Ethnic Psychological Research and Application

RANK:            Associate Professor

AREA:            School Psychology

Dr. Li received her undergraduate degree in English and graduate degree in Applied Linguistics in China. She earned her Ph.D. degree in School Psychology from The University of Arizona in 2003.

Dr. Li is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and Nationally Certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainer. She was the Director of Multicultural Research of the Commonwealth Research Center, Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Li is a key faculty in the Department, teaching core undergraduate (Research Design and Methods, Introduction to Psychology) and graduate courses (Psychoeducational Assessment and Individual Personality Assessment), and serving as graduate student thesis advisor. She now serves as the Assistant Director of Center for Ethnic Psychological Research and Application to conduct training and service within the Department of Psychology and the local communities. Dr. Li has been an undergraduate and graduate program committee member, working with her valuable colleagues on important issues related to program development. On behalf of the Department of Psychology, she has been a member of the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Grievance Committee since 2012, the College Tenure and Promotion Committee member since 2018, and the Florida A&M University Institutional Review Board member since 2016. She will serve as a member of the Faculty Senate for two years from 2019 to 2021.

Dr. Li has received federal and foundation grants to conduct research on psychosocial factors related to mental health, such as culture-specific beliefs about causes of mental illness, stigma, and barriers to services, among individuals from diverse backgrounds. Dr. Li has also been receiving federal funding to study risk factors and symptoms of youth at clinical high risk for psychotic disorders. She was on sabbatical at Harvard Medical School Fall 2017, furthering her study and research on the clinical high risk population.  Dr. Li serves on the Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Psychiatry and Editorial Advisory Board of Psychology in the Schools. She has also served as Research Committee Chair of Florida Association of School Psychologists and a program reviewer of National Association of School Psychologists. Dr. Li actively conducts psychoeducational trainings on youth mental health in local communities. She served as an expert on youth mental health on the local ABC-TV news after the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting incident. Dr. Li is the author or co-author of peer-reviewed journal articles, book, book chapters, translated books, and conference presentations.

This academic year, Dr. LI is willing to accept one to two thesis students; She is willing to serve on theses committees as a departmental or as an outside member.

  • Li, H., Shapiro, D.I., & Seidman, L.J. (Edited. 2019). Handbook of Attenuated Psychosis Syndromes Across Cultures: International Perspectives on Early Identification and Intervention. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Zhang, T.H., Tang, X.C., Li, H., Woodberry, K., Kline, E…Wang, J. (2019). Clinical subtypes That predict conversion to psychosis: A canonical correlation analysis study from the ShangHai At Risk for Psychosis (SHARP) Program. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
  • Rowe, M., Robinson, J.C., Singleton, G. L., & Li, H (contact author). (2018).  Risk factors of attenuated psychosis syndrome in African American young adults: Ethnic identity and adverse childhood experiences. International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, 4:022. DOI: 10.23937/2572-4037.1510022
  • Li, H., Zhang, T.H., Xu, L., Tang, Y., Cui, L., Wei, Y., Woodberry, K…Seidman, L., Wang, J. (2017). Clinical profile and predictors of outcomes in outpatients at clinical high risk for psychosis: An examination of conversion rate change. Schizophrenia Research. pii: S0920-9964(17)30727-2. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.11.029.
  • Li, C., & Li, H. (2017).  Acculturative stress and resilience perceived by Chinese immigrant children and parents: Implication for multicultural consultation.  Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2016.1275648.
Dr. Li loves suspense novels and movies. Table tennis and badminton are her favorite sports.


Dr. Gwendolyn Singleton
Gwendolyn Singleton, Ph.D.
Director of Center for Ethnic Psychological Research and Application
(Office Hours)

RANK:      Professor

AREAS:    Neuropsychology

Dr. Singleton received her Ph.D. in Neuropsychology from Howard University. In August 2011, Dr. Singleton was elected as the Chairperson of the Department of Psychology at FAMU, becoming the first FAMU alumnus elected to this position.

At FAMU, Dr. Singleton served as the Chair of the Institutional Review Board and as a Faculty Senator. She serves on a host of other university committees, as the faculty advisor and mentor for several student organizations, and in community services initiatives.

In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Singleton also serves as the Director of the Center for Ethnic Psychological Research and Applications (CEPRA).

Dr. Singleton has been engaged in ongoing research that examines (1) the efficacy of cognitive and behavior-based interventions in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, (2) the relationships among stress, blood pressure, cortisol, and interleukin-6 (IL-6), (3) the impact of stress management intervention on the recovery response to neuropsychological rehabilitation, and (4) the relationships among perceived stress, perceived racism, cultural identity, stress biomarkers (cortisol and IL-6) and health outcomes. Dr. Singleton’s research aims are to contribute to the broadening and enhancement of the field’s comprehension of the utility of self-management practices and its’ psychological and physiological benefits; as well as, to increase knowledge relative to the individual and summative influences of subjective, physiological, and hormonal responses to stress. This research will facilitate additional research in the area of psychoneuroimmunology, in that it allows the study of the effects of psychological events on nervous system functions, and its effects on immune system functions. Additionally, Dr. Singleton’s research not only bridges several uncommonly connected areas of research: neuropsychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and alternative/behavioral medicine, but also contributes to the reduction the disparities in the incidence, severity and recovery from stress-related diseases in African Americans.

This academic year, Dr. Singleton is willing to accept one thesis student. She is willing to serve on thesis committees as a departmental or as an outside committee member.


  • Lewis, C., Li, H., Singleton, G., Zollicoffer, A. (Under review). The Influence of Psychosocial Experiences on Risk for Psychosis in African American Young Adults: Implications for Early Intervention. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
  • Li, H., Lewis, C., Chi, H., Singleton, G., Williams, N. (Under Review). Mobile Health Applications for Mental Illnesses: An Asian Context. Asian J Psychiatry.
  • Owens, B. & Singleton, G. (2018). Ethnic-racial socialization, cultural identity, and perceived stress are related to mental and physical health in African Americans. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 53(1), 27-35.
  • Singleton, G., Robertson, J., & Robinson, J. (2018). Core concepts in general psychology: Culture, society, life (3rd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Great River Technologies.
Dr. Singleton is an avid runner, kickboxer, and a stellar ballroom dancer! Recently, she and her husband celebrated their son's matriculation into college.

Dr. Neico Slater-SaRa
Neico Sa Ra-Slater, Ph.D.
(Office Hours)

RANK:          Visiting Professor

AREA:            Community Psychology, Educational Leadership

Dr. Neico Slater-Sa-Ra is a proud graduate of the Community Psychology program (2004) at Florida A&M University.  After completing her master’s degree, she went on to study Educational Leadership at Florida A&M University.  Throughout her Master’s and Doctoral studies, Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra worked as a Professor and Psychologist.

Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra has extensive clinical field experience.  As a practicing Psychologist and independent contractor, Dr. Sa-Ra has worked as a specialist for treatment of major mental health disorders for over 15 years.  Additionally, Dr. Sa-Ra has trained counselors and therapist in crisis intervention, established, implemented and evaluated programs in early childhood education, Umoja Kazi Parenting Training, and Hugging the Cactus Pre-Marital Development.  Dr. Sa-Ra participates in academic and community organizations inclusive of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi), North Florida chapter, KONSANBA, Abusua Kuo and Hope Through COPE.  Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra is nationally known for her ‘on the groundwork’ with Black girls and women’s development through age grade rites of passage.  Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra is a registered Mental Health Counseling Intern, works with CEPRAH as the community liaison, and is trained in Mental Health Counseling First Aid.

Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra joined the faculty in the Psychology department at Florida A&M University (2020) where she is currently a Visiting Associate Professor.   Dr. Sa-Ra has worked with undergraduates to improve retention and encourage enrollment in graduate school. 

Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra’s research interests are in analysis of the explicit and implicit intentionality of curriculum, culturally relevant pedagogy and African-centered education. She is conducting research on rites of passage, the psychology of Black education, African spirituality as a therapeutic treatment modality, African-Centered School Leadership and the psychology of Black hair.  Understanding the intersection of education, leadership, race and psychology undergirds her passions in research, writing, publishing and community work.                                                                

This academic year, Dr. Slater-Sa-Ra is willing to serve on theses committees as a departmental or as an outside member.

Neico Slater-Sa-Ra is a proud wife of 24 years, a mother of 4 children and new grandmother (Yeye) of a beautiful little girl.

Dr. Novell Tani
Novell E. Tani, Ph.D.,
Graduate Program Coordinator

RANK:          Assistant Professor

AREAS:        Developmental Psychology (with Social/Education emphasis)

Novell Tani received his bachelor’s in psychology from Florida A&M University. Dr. Tani also earned a master’s degree in Applied Social Sciences from FAMU (emphasis in History) while simultaneously earning a Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology from Florida State University (FSU). Dr. Tani holds a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from FSU.

Novell has taught in various higher educational settings. As such, he strives to utilize atypical instruction approaches to spark intrinsic learning drives within students. He believes that education is a directed, collaborative, individual, and continual process. Novell emphasizes the importance of lecture preparation via prior reading and comprehension of course related materials, in-depth critical analysis via discussion, cross-disciplinary inquiry and debate of content materials. He also encourages student-driven discourse, prompted with apprentice research, student teaching and cooperative analysis of materials related to psychology and minority populations. He has served as a research assistant at the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR), and currently does consulting with educators in primary and tertiary educational institutions.  Novell enjoys aiding the development of undergraduate and graduate students research. He is seeking diligent graduate/thesis students and active research assistants.

Novell serves the department in several capacities; his responsibilities range from teaching, serving on academic committees, advising, chairing master’s theses, conducting research, managing the departmental website, and overseeing the department’s Psychology Club.

A product of a single mother in a low socio-economic household, Novell has dedicated his research efforts to examine how African-American males face adversities from social and cultural influences. His studies examine teachers’ perceptions of students from varying demographic backgrounds and the possible effects of perception on students’ academic development.

Additional research interests include: Self-Efficacy/Self-Motivation and impact on academic achievement, Predictors of Academic Self-Esteem variants, Cultural and experiential components that impact the sexuality development of LGBTQ individuals, & Racial Identity and Conscious, Capital Identity Projection, and Scholastic Identity Development.

This academic year, Dr. Tani is not accepting thesis students.


  • Gatlin, B., Hwang, J.K., Tani, N.E., Powell, K.B., Wood, T.S., Yang, D., Zargar, E., Connor, C.M. (2021). Using Assessment to Improve the Precision of Teachers’ Perception of Students’ Academic Competence. The Elementary School Journal. https://doi.org/10.1086/714083
  • Davis, C., Tani, N.E., Bush, K. & Fields, A. (2021). Reading Outside of the Box: The Possibilities of Letterbox Lesson Implementation. The Florida Journal of Educational Research.
  • Tani, N. E.,  Davis, C. H. & *Christion, A. (2021). Using a cross-disciplinary teaching approach to attenuate the void: Building educators and researchers at a historically Black college/university (HBCU). In Davis, C. H., Hilton, A., Hamrick, R. & Brooks, F. E. (in press). The beauty and the burden of being a Black professor (Vol. 24). Emerald Publishing: United Kingdom.
  • *Williams, S.C., & Tani, N.E. (2021). Capital Identity Projection and Academic Performance among Historically Black College/University (HBCU) Students. Florida Educational Research Association Journal.
  • Tani, N. E., *Williams, S.C., II, *Parrish, R., *Ferguson, C., *Burrows, D., & *Reed, A. (2021). “I am because we are…” Not just mentoring, but a collaborative approach to faculty and student development. In Davis, C. H., Hilton, A., Hamrick, R. & Brooks, F. E. (in press). The beauty and the burden of being a Black professor (Vol. 24). Emerald Publishing: United Kingdom.
  • Little, C.W., Clark, J.C., Tani, N.E., & Connor, C.M. (2018). Improving writing skills through technology-based instruction: a meta-analysis. Review of Education, 6(2), 183-201. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3114

Novell enjoys music, Sci-Fi, jogging, Chinese food, and circular, intellectual conversations surrounding existentialism.

Dr. Brittany Griffin

Brittany M. Griffin, Ph.D.

Rank:  Assistant Professor

Area/Specialty: Dr. Brittany’s professional interests include: Afrikan-centered pedagogy, racial and social justice advocacy, issues surrounding equity, humanizing marginalized identities via culturally specific and sociopolitical understandings of mental health, particularly, for individuals of Afrikan ancestry, and positively contributing to the discipline of Afrikan-centered/Black Psychology. She is a strong advocate of work-life balance and believes in questioning and challenging antiquated and oppressive systems that cause harm, particularly, to individuals of Afrikan ancestry. 

Educational Background: Dr. Brittany is a proud two-time graduate of the illustrious Florida A&M University.  She earned her bachelors of science (B.S.) in Psychology, with a minor in philosophy and religion, in 2007, and her masters of science (M.S.) in Community Psychology in 2016.  Dr. Brittany completed her predoctoral internship at Duke University's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and earned her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Counseling Psychology from The University of Akron in 2021.   

Experience: After serving as a Graduate Teaching Assistant throughout her doctoral training, Dr. Brittany began teaching as an Adjunct Instructor within the FAMU psychology department during the Fall 2021 semester. She accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position within the department in April 2022 and began teaching full-time during the Fall 2022 semester.

Research Interest: Dr. Brittany’s dissertation built upon her thesis by exploring the multilevel relationship between the cultural misorientation, racism-related stress, and overall well-being of Black students in relation to the level of cultural misorientation, or adherence to an Afrikan Worldview (AWV), of their Black psychology professor. She plans to further explore these constructs to better understand the vicariousness of an AWV and its benefits in all settings (e.g., personal/professional relationships, therapeutic, holistic teaching model). Dr. Brittany also seeks to further research the prevalence of Afrikan-centered frameworks within higher education, and aid in the continued infusion of this approach into course curriculum.

Publications: Auguste, E., & Griffin, B. M. Towards an Eternity: Celebrating The Association of Black Psychologists’ 50th Anniversary. Psychology from the Margins: Vol. 2

Griffin, B. M. (2017). Medasi pa ABPsi and FAMU Psychology Department. Psych Discourse, 51(2) 40.

Griffin, B. M., & Freeze-Ekundayo, O. A. (2016). How we gon win if we ain’t right within? Expanding emotional emancipation circles at Florida A&M University. Psych Discourse, 50(2) 6.

Presentations: Singleton, G., Slater Sa-Ra, N., Griffin, B. M., Alderman, A., Mixon, V., & Jean-Baptiste, K. (2022, July) Strength Happens through Unity: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Superwoman Schema, PTSD, and Emotional Regulation among Black Women. Continuing Education Symposium presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 53rd International Virtual Convention.

Goulbourne, T., Oliphant, V., Brown, H., Smalling, S., Graham, E., Robertson, J., Griffin, B. M., & Queener, J. The Spirit of Sankofa: Jengaship’s role in ensuring the success Afrikan/Black students at PWI’s. Continuing Education Symposium presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 53rd International Virtual Convention.

(2019, November) Kobi Kambon and Jegnaship: Africentric approaches to developing Black students. Panel discussant at the 10th National African/Black Psychology Conference, Tallahassee, FL.

Griffin, B. M., LeBrun, J. & Robertson, J. (2019, July) Bill Cosby, R. Kelly and the ‘me too.’ Movement: Can We Talk? Continuing Education Symposium presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 51st International Convention, Orlando, FL.

Robertson, J., & Griffin, B. M. (2019, July) Cultural Misorientation as a Threat to Afrifuturism, Psychological Liberation and Spiritual Illumination. Continuing Education Symposium presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 51st International Convention, Orlando, FL.

Griffin, B. M., LeBrun, J. & Brown, K. (2019, March) Bill Cosby, R. Kelly and the #MeToo Movement: Can We Talk & Process? Symposium presented at the 27th Annual Imhotep Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference at Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL.

Gonzalez, A., Alshabani, N., Brown, T., Graham, E., Griffin, B. M., Martin-Fernandez, J., Prowell, J., Rogers, B., Soto, & S., Sheng, S. (2019, February). Taking Social Justice Outside of the Classroom: A Consultation Project for Racial Justice. Workshop presented at the 36th Annual Winter Roundtable. Teachers College, Columbia University New York, New York

Queener, J., Griffin, B. M., Graham, E. L., & Bethea, A., (2018, June). Race, Racism and Clinical Supervision. Paper presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 50th International Convention, Oakland, CA.

Woodyard, O.T., Griffin, B. M., Vision, M., & Drake, D., (2018, June). Envisioning the Next 50 Years through the Next Generation. Panel discussion at The Association of Black Psychologists 50th International Convention, Oakland, CA.

Sims, B. C., Griffin, B. M., Slater-Sa-Ra, N. (2018, June). Afrikan Education in the Digital Era: Lessons from Baba Asa. Paper presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 50th International Convention, Oakland, CA.

Griffin, B. M., & LeBrun, J. (2017, July). Honoring Our Roots and Strengthening Our Future. Paper presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 49th International Convention, Houston, TX.

Queener, J., Griffin, B. M., Graham, E. L., & Bethea, A., (2017, July). Racial Dynamics and Clinical Supervision. Paper presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 49th International Convention, Houston, TX.

Linder, H., Whitten, L., Barner, P., Smith, A., Robertson, J., Williams, C. & Griffin, B. M., (2017, July). Can African Centered Ethics Shape the Future of Black Psychology? Plenary session presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 49th International Convention, Houston, TX.

Griffin, B. M., & LeBrun, J. (2016, November). Black Psychology, Learning Styles and Life Satisfaction of American Afrikans: A Tribute to the Life Work of Dr. Robert L. Williams. Paper presented at the Seventh National African/Black Psychology Conference, Tallahassee, FL.

Griffin, B. M., & Robertson, J. T. (2016, August). Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Misorientation, Perceived Stress and Life Satisfaction. Results poster presented at The Association of Black Psychologists 48th International Convention, Arlington, VA.

Griffin, B. M., & Robertson, J. T. (2016, March). Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Misorientation, Perceived Stress and Life Satisfaction. Proposal poster presented at the Graduate Studies and Research Poster Competition, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL.

Griffin, B. M., & Robertson, J. T. (2016, February). The Impact of Cultural Misorientation and Stress on Life Satisfaction. Proposal poster presented at the National Association of African American Studies 24th Joint National Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.

Interesting Fact: Dr. Brittany belongs in the House of Hufflepuff.





Dr. Deanna Burney

Dr. Chiquita Brown

Dr. Jeva St. Fort


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